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Adolf Hitler (Script) EM Cuff Title

Quick Overview

This Adolf Hitler Script EM Cuff Title was awarded to the 1st SS Panzer Division, LSSAH in 1933. The distinctive grey machine embroidered Sutterlin Script was the official standard for the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and was worn on many uniforms from the Allgemeine tunic to the Greatcoat. This title was worn at the edge of the cuff, 15cm from the seam.

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The Adolf Hitler Script EM Cuff Title holds historical significance as it was awarded to the 1st SS Panzer Division, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH), in 1933. This cuff title, featuring the distinctive grey machine-embroidered Sütterlin Script, served as the official standard for the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and adorned various uniforms, from the Allgemeine tunic to the Greatcoat.

The grey Sütterlin Script, a unique and recognizable element, symbolized the association with the elite Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. This title was worn with pride, reflecting the dedication and loyalty of the division to Adolf Hitler. The historical context surrounding its award in 1933 adds depth to the cuff title, marking a pivotal moment in the early history of the division.

Worn at the edge of the cuff, 15cm from the seam, this cuff title became an integral part of the uniform for members of the 1st SS Panzer Division. Its placement and design reflected the attention to detail characteristic of SS regalia and uniforms.

For collectors and enthusiasts, the Adolf Hitler Script EM Cuff Title is not just a piece of regalia; it is a tangible link to the early years of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and the broader historical context of the 1930s. Each stitch, each detail, tells a story of dedication and allegiance to Adolf Hitler and the principles upheld by the LSSAH.

Owning this cuff title is not just acquiring a piece of historical regalia; it is embracing a vital chapter in the broader narrative of the 1st SS Panzer Division, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. As a symbol of early recognition and a distinctive element of the division's uniforms, this cuff title becomes a historical treasure and a testament to the formation and early years of one of the most renowned SS divisions in history.