These Panzer Armoured Recon Collar Tabs are meticulously crafted replicas of the original WW2 design, offering an authentic touch for historical reenactments and military collections. With their distinctive Golden Yellow piping and metal Totenkopf skulls, these tabs symbolize the wearer's affiliation with an armoured reconnaissance company within the Panzer division. Each tab is expertly made from high-grade materials, ensuring durability and accuracy in portraying the iconic symbols of the German military.
Measuring at 7.5 x 4 cm, these collar tabs are specifically designed to fit Panzer Wraps, making them a seamless addition to your uniform. The attention to detail in the craftsmanship reflects the historical significance of armoured reconnaissance during World War II. Whether you're a dedicated military collector or participating in historical reenactments, these Panzer Armoured Recon Collar Tabs offer a true representation of the era and contribute to the authenticity of your ensemble.