Delve into the rich tapestry of World War II history with our meticulously recreated SS Cuff Title, a distinctive emblem worn by enlisted men of the 10th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment "Westland" within the renowned SS Wiking Division. Crafted with precision and attention to historical detail, this cuff title invites you to connect with the brave foreign volunteers who donned this insignia as they faced the challenges of war on the Eastern Front.
Constructed from grey thread meticulously embroidered onto a black woven wool base, the cuff title is bordered with intricate aluminium silver wire, adding a touch of refinement and authenticity to this historically significant piece. The combination of materials faithfully replicates the original design, allowing collectors and enthusiasts to own a tangible link to the past.
The 10th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment "Westland," a key component of the SS Wiking Division, drew its strength from foreign volunteers hailing from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The multinational composition of the division adds a layer of complexity to its historical narrative, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and shared commitment of those who served under the Westland Regiment banner.
Distinguished by the grey thread embroidery against the black background, this cuff title stands as a symbol of the dedication and valor displayed by the enlisted men who fought exclusively on the Eastern Front against Soviet and Partisan forces. The authenticity of the design captures the essence of the wartime era, offering a tangible connection to the experiences and sacrifices of those who served within the 10th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment "Westland."
Whether displayed in a curated military memorabilia collection or worn by re-enactors seeking historical accuracy, this SS Cuff Title serves as a powerful reminder of the multinational efforts that played a crucial role in the theater of war during World War II. It honors the legacy of the foreign volunteers who, under the banner of the Westland Regiment, stood united against the challenges posed by the Eastern Front.